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A curious 3-month-old baby lying on a bed, looking up with wide eyes and nibbling on a soft blanket. The baby’s expression conveys exploration and early teething behavior, capturing a milestone in sensory development. The soft, cozy setting emphasizes a safe environment as the baby begins to engage more with their surroundings.

3-Month-Old's Journey

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Bobo Team  •  Child Development  •  2 min read  •  Reviewed by Dr. A. Kadhim-Saleh, Family Physician

​​​​Congratulations on reaching the three-month mark in your baby's journey! As your little one continues to grow and develop. From physical advancements to emerging cognitive abilities, each day brings new discoveries and delights. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the developmental milestones and healthcare considerations for your three-month-old baby.

Physical Development

  • Head Control: By three months, your baby's neck muscles have strengthened significantly, allowing them to hold their head steady when upright or supported. During tummy time, they may lift their head higher and for longer periods, building essential neck strength.

  • Rolling Over: Some babies may begin to roll over from tummy to back or vice versa around the three-month mark. Encourage this by providing supervised tummy time and plenty of floor play.

  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Your baby's hand-eye coordination continues to improve, and they may start to reach for and grasp objects intentionally. Offer toys of different shapes and textures to promote fine motor skill development.

Cognitive Development

  • Increased Awareness: At three months, your baby becomes more aware of their surroundings and may show interest in exploring objects and people around them. They may also start to recognize familiar faces and respond with smiles or coos.

  • Tracking Objects: Your baby's ability to track moving objects with their eyes improves, allowing them to follow toys or people as they move across their field of vision. Encourage this skill with interactive play and visual stimulation.

  • Early Communication: Some babies may begin to mimic sounds or babble in response to stimuli or when seeking attention. Respond to their vocalizations with smiles, conversation, and gentle encouragement to support language development.

Social and Emotional Development

  • Social Interaction: Your baby may become more interactive and responsive to social cues, such as smiling, cooing, or making eye contact. They may also show preferences for familiar caregivers and enjoy interactive games like peek-a-boo.

  • Emotional Expression: As their social awareness grows, your baby may display a wider range of emotions, from joy and excitement to frustration or distress. Offer comfort and reassurance during moments of distress and celebrate their joyful expressions.

Healthcare Considerations

  • Well-Baby Visits: Regular well-baby visits are essential for monitoring your baby's growth, addressing any concerns, and receiving guidance on feeding, sleep, and other aspects of infant care. Schedule appointments with your healthcare provider. Your baby should have their next appointment scheduled for when they are 4 months old. 

  • Feeding and Nutrition: Whether breastfeeding or formula feeding, continue to ensure your baby receives adequate nutrition for healthy growth and development. Monitor feeding cues, offer frequent feedings, and consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your baby's feeding habits or weight gain.​


This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here.

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