Week 28: The Third Trimester

Bobo Team • Pregnancy • 2 min read
​​​​Welcome to week 28 of your pregnancy journey! As you reach this significant milestone, both you and your baby are entering the third trimester, marking the final stretch of this incredible journey.​
Bobo will be sending you and your partner weekly updates on your pregnancy progress, child development, and Canadian based information up to the age of two. Here's
what you can expect during this stage of your pregnancy.
Your Baby's Development
At 28 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the size of a large eggplant. Their previously fused eyelids are now starting to open, enabling them to blink. Furthermore, they may begin to stick out their tongue and even experience dreaming during this period of development.​
Healthcare Considerations: Gestational Diabetes
Between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy, it's recommended that all pregnant women undergo screening for gestational diabetes. The screening involves drinking a special high-sugar beverage, followed by a blood draw and test an hour later. You do not need to be fasting for this test. If your blood sugar is normal, you will not require any additional testing. If the result is high, you will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. If the result is indeterminate, you will be asked to repeat the test after fasting for four to eight hours. They will then check your blood sugar one and two hours after consuming the beverage. If any of the blood sugar levels surpass the cut off, you will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
Physical and Emotional Change
As you step into week 28 of pregnancy, you might experience a mix of ongoing symptoms and novel occurrences. Continued sensations could involve unusual dreams, skin rashes, bloating and gas, occasional faintness or dizziness, symphysis pubis dysfunction, leg cramps, breast leakage, nasal congestion, or bleeding gums. Additionally, you might start noticing fresh symptoms like hemorrhoids, melasma—hyperpigmentation of the skin—and the mask of pregnancy.
Health and Well-Being
Explore various relaxation techniques such as aromatherapy or guided imagery to alleviate stress and promote deep relaxation. Embrace these moments of tranquility as opportunities to unwind and rejuvenate, prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being as you prepare for the arrival of your baby.
Manitoba Parent Zone. ( n.d.). Prenatal Test & Screening. http://www.manitobaparentzone.ca/becoming-a-parent/early-stages-pregnancy/prenatal-tests-screening.html#:~:text=Ultrasound%20is%20usually%20done%20just,throughout%20the%20pregnancy%20if%20needed.
Mayo Clinic. (2022, June 03). Fetal Development: The 3rd Trimester. Mayo Clinic. (2022, June 03). https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/fetal-development/art-20045997
MedlinePlus. (2023, August 23) Fetal Development. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002398.htm
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. (2024, January). How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/how-your-fetus-grows-during-pregnancy
WebMD. (2023, March 22). Second Trimester of Pregnancy. https://www.webmd.com/baby/second-trimester-of-pregnancy
Articles have been medically reviewed by an obstetrician gynecologist. This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. We do not accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from any information or advice contained here.